Dance Central

Establishment at 13-15 Altree Court, Phillip, ACT 2606, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Dance Central: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information


13-15 Altree Court
ACT 2606
Get directions

+61 433 111 800


Opening hours

Monday 09:00am — 09:00pm
Tuesday 09:00am — 09:00pm
Wednesday 09:00am — 09:00pm
Thursday 09:00am — 09:00pm
Friday 09:00am — 06:00pm
Saturday 09:00am — 12:30pm


Reviews of Dance Central

    Cherry May Mateo Added July 01, 2022
    My little one loves going to this dance school. She's in the Blueberries class. She loves "Teacher Josh" and goes looking for him when a substitute teacher is doing the class. She can be a bit inattentive in class (which can be frustrating for me) but the teachers have a way of catching her attention back and encouraging her to participate and do the dance moves. What I find cool is that outside classes, I see my little one repeating some of the things they did in dance class, complete with singing, dancing, and giving instructions. She also knows the names of most of the musical instruments they play with. She's three now but started going when she just turned two. Enrollment for a term is not as expensive as I thought it would be, so it's great. Getting a substitute class when we miss one is also so easy and convenient. We just give them a call beforehand and they allow us to join any Blueberries class in Belco or Phillip. So we get to make the most of the payment for the whole term. As for the studios, they are all well-equipped and the toilets and changing areas are clean.
    J Garrett Added June 25, 2022
    We attend Blueberries for a couple of years now and all the teachers have been excellent! It's a lovely environment for young children to experience a positive introduction to dance and music
    Deidre Lewis Added June 21, 2022
    Fun tap dance class!
    Belinda Chalker Added June 20, 2022
    I recently held my daughters 8th birthday at dance central. My daughter does not do dance normal or has not been to dance central before, but desperately wanted a “dance party” The space was amazing for a party set up, there was a seperate room to set up food, drink and decorations. The dance instructor and host for the Party was Georgi, she was fantastic with the kids and I can not recommend her enough! She was friendly and the kids happily played along and dance with her.
    Thanks dance central team!
    Lily Pearce Added June 08, 2022
    I joined the beginners contemporary class and I felt like I was in the advanced level way too hard and rushed! Beginners should be easy and steps have to be broken down. I'm disappointed in my experience

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Dance Central

The phone number for Dance Central is +61 433 111 800.

2. Where is Dance Central located?

Dance Central is located at 13-15 Altree Court Phillip, ACT 2606.

3. Is there a primary contact for Dance Central

You can contact Dance Central by phone using number +61 433 111 800.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Dance Central

The website for Dance Central is


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